2024 Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting

The SRA Annual Meeting brings together a cross-disciplinary community of scientists from academia, industry, and government dedicated to risk science in all aspects of our connected world.
HOLiFOOD Communication plan update II

This milestone M33 presents an update of the Dissemination and communication document at the half of the HOLIFOOD project.
Lunch webinar on emerging risk identification

This HOLiFOOD – FoodSafeR webinar focuses on emerging risk identification around four topics together with food safety experts.
Food Revolution 2024

FoodRevolution® 2024 is an international conference series dedicated to advancing a sustainable, safe, and healthy food future.
HOLiFOOD at the National Meeting of Principal Environmental Health Officers and FSAI

The International Society for Food and Environmental Virology focused on the study of viruses in the context of food safety and environmental health.
Performances of molecular-based assays for the quantification of viral genomes

This milestone summarizes the performance of molecular-based assays for the quantification of viral genomes.
Cellular based methods suitable for the detection of infectious virus

This milestone summarizes the performance of cell-based assays for the detection of infectious viruses on spiked alfalfa sprouts.
Summary of vulnerability analysis report and database

This milestone summarizes the vulnerability analysis report and data base as described in deliverable 5.2.
Food Micro 2024

FOOD MICRO 2024 will take place in Burgos, Spain in July 8-11, 2024. The focus will be on the latest advances in new technologies in food production and microbiological analysis, bringing together experts, researchers, regulators, and industry professionals from around the world to share knowledge and exchange ideas.
European Congress of Biotechnology (ECB)

The theme of the 2024 Congress is “Grand Challenges for Biotechnology: Health; Food Security; and Global Warming”.
Addressing these challenges required collaboration between industry, academia, research institutes and governments. The scientific programme focused on translating cutting-edge research into practical applications.
Seminar on Risk Communication at EFSA

On June 24, 2024, EFSA in Parma hosted a seminar on risk communication led by Ludger Benighaus from Dialogik.
8th International Society for Food and Environmental Virology Conference

The International Society for Food and Environmental Virology focused on the study of viruses in the context of food safety and environmental health.
Living Labs: Identification and Monitoring of Food Safety Risks

HOLiFOOD hosted a workshop titled “Identification and Monitoring of Food Safety Risks” to collect meaningful feedback on our AI-powered tools.
Nutricon 2024

NUTRICON 2024 is bringing together the scientific and expert work of: food technologists and engineers, dental and human medicine doctors, nutritionists, chemists, microbiologists, veterinarians, agricultural engineers, economists, etc. connected with food, to gain comprehensive insight and understanding of today’s food quality, safety, health, and nutrition issues.
Lunch webinar on “System design for identification of emerging food safety risks”

This lunch webinar on “System design for identification of emerging food safety risks” focuses on four topics.
Conference on “Global commodity chains from a risk assessment perspective”

The conference will bring together national and international experts in feed and food chains, digitalisation and consumer health protection to exchange and transfer knowledge on concepts, data and tools for a holistic evaluation of risks in global commodity chains.
EU and other gender-related sources

EU and other gender-related sources EU Policies & Figures EIGE Webpages Gender mainstreaming, Toolkits, Gender Equality in Academia and Research; recently updated. EC, DG Research and Innovation (2021). Horizon Europe guidance on Gender Equality Plans, Publications Office of the EU. European Commission website: Gender Equality in Research and Innovation, Brochure (see website for more explanation […]
Gender-related websites of the partner institutions

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the impact that our actions are having on the planet’s climate. While we grapple with the consequences of our choices as a society, one critical concern that often goes unmentioned is the safety of the food we consume.1 In this article, we will dive into how climate change can disrupt our ability to produce enough safe and nutritious food to feed the growing global population.
HOLiFOOD Gender Policies

Advancing Gender Equality is central to HOLiFOOD in line with the European Commission’s Gender Equality Strategy for 2020-2025.
Identifying Emerging Food Safety Risks

Food safety professionals play a crucial role in the use of ICT tools for emerging risk identification (ERI).
HOLiFOOD Living Lab #2

The Delphi technique is a systematic process of forecasting using the collective opinion of panel members.
Lunch webinar on analytical approaches on food safety

Improving food safety risk analysis is crucial in safeguarding public health and maintaining consumer trust.
WDCC Meet-up: how knowledge graphs can help solve sustainability challenges

Learn about what knowledge graphs are and how to deploy them, together with the experts and the WDCC community.
Network event: Food and feed safety in circular food production systems

The European food production system has become effective, but resource depletion, loss of biodiversity and climate change put the system under pressure.
EU Food Safety Forum

This EU Food Safety Forum gathers stakeholders from science, policy and society to share ideas, create synergies, and shape the future of food safety.
37th EFFoST International Conference 2023

This EU Food Safety Forum gathers stakeholders from science, policy and society to share ideas, create synergies, and shape the future of food safety.
FOODSHIFT 2030 Policy Conference

The FoodSHIFT 2030 Final Policy Conference presents the results of the project through the lenses of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy.
14th World Mycotoxin Forum 2023 Presentation

The forum brings together a holistic conference covering latest issues in mycotoxin management and welcomes everyone in the mycotoxin field.
SFSN Workshop: Case studies in co-creating sustainable food systems

Different stakeholders are foraging collaborations across Europe to build sustainable food systems!
14th World Mycotoxin Forum 2023

The forum brings together a holistic conference covering latest issues in mycotoxin management and welcomes everyone in the mycotoxin field.
HOLiFOOD to Host Its First Series of Living Lab Workshops During EU Synergy Days

The Synergy Days will serve as a gathering point for digital innovators in the European agrifood sector.
4th Working Group Meeting – European Burden of Disease Network

The 4th Working Group meeting provides all network members the opportunity to reconnect, assess progress, and discuss future activities.
FSI Food Safety Innovation Conference 2023

FSI 2023 brings together over 150 industry professionals – unified in their determination to advance food safety and hygiene.
Mycotoxin Risks in the Food & Feed Supply Chain: Leveraging the power of AI to setup a risk-based approach

The potential and applicability of AI-powered risk forecasting in mycotoxin contamination detection, mitigation & prevention.
EFSA session on risk communication

Researcher Ludger Benighaus from HOLiFOOD partner DIALOGIK recently chaired a One-Day-Training on Risk Communication on Food and Nutrition.
Product-Led Summit Amsterdam

Join Europe’s brightest product growth and strategy leaders and take some of the world’s most forward-thinking strategies back to your desk.
Health risk-benefit assessment: from science to decision making

In May 2023, a workshop with regulatory bodies was organized by DTU, with INRAE and UVMB as contributors.
Forecasting Food Safety Risks through highly accurate AI models

Learn how our Forecasting AI models can help you identify early emerging and unexpected risks adding value to your Food Safety workflows.
1st International Summit on Privacy-preserving AI for Food Risk Intelligence

Learn from leading experts about the transformative power of federated AI learning and discover best practices from established food safety intelligence networks.
5th ISEKI E-conference: Current food innovation trends; the texture and consumer perception perspective

“Current food innovation trends; the texture and consumer perception perspective” takes place ONLINE from 23rd to 25th November 2022.