Antimicrobial resistance (Q&A)
Antibiotic resistance represents one of the most significant global threats to health and food security in the world today.
EU Food Safety Forum
This EU Food Safety Forum gathers stakeholders from science, policy and society to share ideas, create synergies, and shape the future of food safety.
37th EFFoST International Conference 2023
This EU Food Safety Forum gathers stakeholders from science, policy and society to share ideas, create synergies, and shape the future of food safety.
Key initial legal and ethical requirements for HOLiFOOD
This milestone M30 represents the initial report on the legal and ethical framework
FOODSHIFT 2030 Policy Conference
The FoodSHIFT 2030 Final Policy Conference presents the results of the project through the lenses of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy.
14th World Mycotoxin Forum 2023 Presentation
The forum brings together a holistic conference covering latest issues in mycotoxin management and welcomes everyone in the mycotoxin field.
HOLiFOOD Living Lab #1
The living labs offer a non-traditional arena for stakeholders to play a direct role in shaping the course of food safety.
SFSN Workshop: Case studies in co-creating sustainable food systems
Different stakeholders are foraging collaborations across Europe to build sustainable food systems!
14th World Mycotoxin Forum 2023
The forum brings together a holistic conference covering latest issues in mycotoxin management and welcomes everyone in the mycotoxin field.
HOLiFOOD Communication plan update
This milestone M27 presents an update of the Dissemination and communication after the first 12 months of the HOLIFOOD project.