SFSN Workshop: Case studies in co-creating sustainable food systems

October 3rd, 2023 | SFSN Workshop: Exploring EU Case studies in co-creating sustainable food systems

Hugo de Vries, FOODPathS project coordinator, together with an INRAE team, will present exemplary case studies which have been mapped in Europe (more than 70 so far!) by the project in an online event on the 3rd of October. These case studies, which are not yet public, will provide an inside look at the various multi-stakeholder initiatives impacting the sustainability of food systems.

The workshop will be held on the Sustainable Food Systems Network (SFSN), a platform for everyone with an expertise or interest in topics revolving around sustainable food systems that believe in breaking silos to move forward.



We are very honored to have a line-up of very experienced researchers on this topic:

  • How to use the SFSN (11.00-11.10): In this session, best practices and practical tips on utilising the Sustainable Food System Network effectively and leveraging the network’s potential for collaborative projects will be shared. If you are already familiar with the SFSN, you can join directly for the expert presentation and networking at 11.10.
  • Expert talk (11.10-11.35): Presentation of the case studies
  • Networking (11.35-12.00): Breakout rooms will be opened for an informal conversation where you can share your thoughts with the workshop’s speakers, ask for specific guidance about navigating the network’s resources, and do targeted networking to maximise your impact.