Network event: Food and feed safety in circular food production systems

April 11 & 12, 2023 | Online event by WAGENINGEN University & Research

The European food production system has become very effective, but resource depletion, loss of biodiversity and climate change put the system under pressure. Transitioning towards a circular production system is one of the means to obtain a more sustainable food production system.


We are organising a 1.5-day network and scientific event including a networking dinner. This event will target different stakeholder groups including policy makers, scientists and companies. It aims to bring experts in this field together and to share information, knowledge and views on managing food and feed safety in circular food production systems.



The official programme includes four sessions, each comprising a key-note presentation by a renowned expert in the field, poster presentations with short poster pitches and interactive sessions so all attendees can contribute to the topic.

The four session topics are:

  • New hazards and risk assessment (with Dr. Gianfranco Brambilla, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy)
  • The fate of hazards in the circular food production system (with Prof. dr. Benny Chefetz, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Israel)
  • Mitigation strategies (Dr. Nora Sutton, Environmental Technology, Wageningen University)
  • Needs for testing approaches (Dr. Milou van de Schans, Wageningen Food Safety Research)


Register here to join the event!