Interim Sustainability and Commercialisation Roadmap for HOLiFOOD
Deliverable 7.4 aims to compile and document the Key Exploitable Results (KERs) developed over the course of the HOLiFOOD project and maps out market research in support of moving these KERs onto their next stages of adaptation.
KERs are critical outcomes that hold potential for exploitation and further development within the food safety domain. A Key Exploitable Result (KER) refers to a significant outcome or finding of a research or innovation project that has the potential to be exploited commercially, economically, or socially. Key Exploitable Results are characterized by their potential for practical application, which may include:
- Commercialization: They can be developed into products, services, or technologies that have market value and can be commercialized by businesses or startups.
- Industrial Application: They may offer solutions to industry challenges or improve industrial processes, leading to increased efficiency, productivity, or competitiveness.
- Social Impact: They may have implications for societal benefits, such as improving public health, enhancing environmental sustainability, or addressing societal challenges.
- Intellectual Property: They may involve intellectual property assets, such as patents, trademarks, or copyrights, which can be protected and monetized.
- Knowledge Transfer: They often involve the transfer of knowledge, expertise, or technology from research institutions to industry or other stakeholders.
The market research examines entities potentially interested in the outputs of the HOLiFOOD project, which aims to leverage AI and Big Data to improve food safety outcomes and detect emerging food risks. These technologies present an opportunity for public sector agencies, including food safety regulatory agencies, health departments, and agricultural departments, to enhance their overall effectiveness in safeguarding public health, as well as private industries looking to adapt to a landscape of emerging risks.