HOLiFOOD Visual identity & communication package

In the framework of the Work Package 7 Communication, dissemination, education, exploitation of the HOLiFOOD project, this deliverable provides an overview of the first communication package provided to partners (logo, brand identity manual and templates), as well as the initial steps in the creation of the project website.
So far, the foundations for communication and dissemination activities have been posed, to allow project partners starting to share information about HOLiFOOD and its future activities and results.
Considering this, in the first three months, EUFIC has designed the HOLiFOOD logo – involving in the creation process all the partners – and the related brand identity; all the templates to address the partners’ needs; the first structure of the website, taking care of all the requirements needed and selecting a provider for developing it.
Next communication materials and activities will be developed during the upcoming months, in line with the Communication and Dissemination Plan (D7.2), to being sure that the activities will implement the objectives and the provisions there contained, addressing the identified target audiences and their needs.