HOLiFOOD communication and dissemination plan

This deliverable presents a comprehensive plan for communication, dissemination and exploitation (CDE) activities planned for HOLiFOOD, as well as the associated actions to be carried out during the project.
EUFIC, as WP7 leader, in close collaboration with the project coordination team, task leaders and the entire consortium, is responsible for designing, preparing, and implementing the communication, dissemination and exploitation activities during the project lifespan.
The plan identifies 8 stakeholder groups as key target audiences. Specific communication and dissemination activities will be developed to address individual needs in line with HOLiFOOD’s scope and expected impact.
In addition, a total of 12 tools and activities will be executed within the lifetime of the project.
- Brand Identity
- Website
- Database
- Press releases
- Social Networks
- Other (traditional) media outlets
- Sustainable Food Systems Network (SFSN)
- MOOCs, SPOCs and E-Learning approaches
- Consumer food safety awareness raising campaigns
- Networking activities
- Conferences and events
- Other C&D activities
This deliverable is a living document that will be updated twice, in 2024 and 2025. A full report and a deliverable will be worked out in M24, and the final report will be produced towards the end of the project in M48. This allows for room to improve our approach/strategy, and assess our activites based on current results, lessons learned, and feedback collected from target audiences and stakeholders interacting with HOLiFOOD. It also considers the possible changing context and environment in which the project operates. Procedures and timeline to revise the plan were agreed upon in the Grant Agreement.
This plan also contains a first version of the exploitation strategy, to be detailed and consolidated at a later stage. So far, several Key Exploitable Results (KERs) were defined (further detailed in Chapter 8). This will be done together with the target audiences potentially interested in using them and considering the actions to be implemented to fully exploit them.